If would like to request Peer Reps advising, please contact [email protected].
Being accused of violating the Honor Code or other Princeton policies can be one of the most stressful situations at Princeton. We are trained advisers who can get you through every stage of the process and help you present your case. We can provide support for a range of academic and non-academic charges.
The Peer Representatives are the primary resource for support for students accused of violating the Honor Code. We can provide support for cases in front of both the Honor Committee (HC) and Committee on Discipline (COD).
You have the right to a Peer Representative—use it! We are here to listen, explain the disciplinary process, and support you every step of the way.
The Peer Representatives are a free and independent resource available to everyone. We can work to review evidence and identify potential witnesses that can help your case, and we can represent you during a Committee hearing.
On this website, we have more information about what happens after you get an e-mail, a list of frequently asked questions, and a directory of the current Peer Reps. Note that as the process often experiences changes in protocol, not all information on the website may be current.