The moment you get an e-mail from the Honor Committee outlining an accusation. The e-mail will typically contain the contact information of both the Chairs of the Peer Reps ([email protected], [email protected]) and the Honor Committee ([email protected]), and either of the two will be able to connect you to a Peer Rep.
The Peer Rep can meet with you before the initial contact with the Honor Committee, and as frequently as necessary afterwards.
For the Committee on Discipline, you have the right to request a Peer Rep as soon as you're informed the case is moving forward to a hearing. Please reach out to us at that time, either as your primary or secondary adviser.
Taken from the Honor Constitution:
Rights for Students In Question Under Investigation
- A student suspected of a possible violation of the Honor Code is referred to as the “student in question.” During the investigation and hearing process the rights of the student in question include:
- Rights during investigation
- The right to be informed that they are under investigation as the student in question before answering any questions.
- The right to have a witness present during the initial interview with investigators.
- The right to review in advance of the hearing all documents constituting direct material evidence.
- The right to call witnesses.
- The right to maintain innocence at all times during the process.
- Rights during Adjudication
- The right to have a representative from the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students serve as a procedural adviser prior to the hearing and be present or on call during an adjudication to serve as a nonvoting resource.
- The right to choose a current undergraduate member of the University community to serve as a peer representative. While the student in question is expected to provide answers to questions, the peer representative may clarify or supplement their answers. The peer representative may also question witnesses. A current member of the Honor Committee may not serve as a peer representative.
- The right, in the event of a finding of responsibility, to receive a copy of the chair’s summary of the case. This summary must outline the charge made against the student, describe the evidence and testimony provided in support of this charge, and provide the rationale for the Committee's finding, both in terms of verdict and punishment assigned.
- The right, in the event of a finding of responsibility, to poll the votes of the individual Committee members.
- The right, in the event of a finding of responsibility, to listen to any recording made of the hearing.
- Rights during investigation
Peer Representatives can help guide you through this process.
- A student suspected of a possible violation of the Honor Code is referred to as the “student in question.” During the investigation and hearing process the rights of the student in question include:
Peer Representatives are confidential resources that can guide you through the hearing process. However, we will always encourage you to confide in a friend, parent or family member who can provide further emotional support.
Outside the Peer Reps, there are several avenues for support. The Honor Committee Chair is always available and has the answers to many of the procedural questions. Dean Chen oversees the process and can also offer guidance. Finally, on-campus resources such as the counselors at CPS can always listen to your needs.
Following a competitive application process, Peer Reps receive practice cases from the Honor Committee to gain exposure to the process before ever stepping into a hearing. Typically, a Peer Rep with more experience is paired up with a younger Peer Rep throughout a case.
Every student is encouraged to apply to become a Peer Rep. Applicants should uphold the values of integrity and fairness and do not have to have experience with an Honor Committee or public speaking activities.
However, service as a Peer Representative may be very time consuming, and applicants should be ready to commit to prioritizing the role over other extracurricular activities on campus.
To learn more about the process, head to our recruitment page, which will have the most up-to-date information on the application process. Feel free to reach out to Britton Masback or Brian Li, the Co-Chairs at [email protected] or [email protected] with any questions!